Oracle BPM (Business Process Management)

Right now one of the greatest challenges companies have is the ability to check on internal processes. BPM (Business Process Management) services, it's possible to increase control in the company as well as it's visibility. This tool allow you to identify the strategic importance of each process in order to gain a competitive edge. Through specific indicators you can increase the chance to find improvement opportunities on services provided to clients.

Why Oracle BPM?

Through the BPM suite, a thorough tool, it's a solution that helps your organization achieve excellence in process management. Oracle BPM includes easy to use business tools for modulation and optimization, to be able to transform from the simplest to the more complex processes.

  • Optimize business operations
  • Accelerates the conclusion of the tasks
  • Increased customer engagement

Companies are becoming increasingly concerned about the way to consolidate the question about the value of processes, this means improved efficiency and improved effectiveness of processes, BPM allows the simplification of work procedures, to provide an even better final product.

What we do

BPM Functions

Oracle BPM Suite can be used to:

  • Create Human Tasks
  • Run Simulations
  • Create Real-Time Dashbords through BAM

BPM Architecture

Oracle BPM Suite architecture is divided as:

  • a Social BPM
  • by a User centric Desing
  • a tool with better Processing Efficiency